Pure FTP Server是一个快速、高效、轻便、安全的FTP服务器,它不象其他流行的FTP SERVER软件。以安全和配置简单为设计目标,支持虚拟主机,IPV6,PAM等功能。
它的功能相当多,也很实用。如果你正在寻找一个方便可靠的服务器,那么它是你最好的选择。 下载:Pure FTP Server 1.0.22
LDAP is now supported over SSL. SSL/TLS encryption is available for commands and data channels and downloads require much less CPU time on platforms with slow mmap() calls. MySQL stored procedures, new password scrambling, and multiple statements can be used for authentication. Spurious disconnections due to some clients' keepalive tricks have been fixed. Custom authentication handlers are now informed about the encryption status of the session. "ftp" and "anonymous" users can have passwords. Non-dangling symbolic links can now be displayed as if they were regular files or directories.