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[软件下载] Serv-U

发表于 2010-3-24 09:14:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Serv-U 是目前众多的FTP 服务器软件之一.通过使用Serv-U,用户能够将任何一台PC 设置成一个FTP 服务器,这样,用户或其他使用者就能够使用FTP 协议,通过在同一网络上的任何一台PC与FTP服务器连接,进行文件或目录的复制,移动,创建,和删除等.这里提到的FTP协议是专门被用来规定计算机之间进行文件传输的标准和规则,正是因为有了象FTP这样的专门协议,才使得人们能够通过不同类型的计算机,使用不同类型的操作系统,对不同类型的文件进行相互传递.       

Changes in Serv-U, released March 23, 2010:
    * Added Portuguese (Brazil) Web Client support.
    * Updated Spanish strings.
    * Added Spanish Management Console help translation.
    * Added the ability to disable user accounts at the group level as well as at the user level.
    * Added new static font properties to the Management Console and Web Client for better visual appearance.
    * Added dynamic sizing in the Image Preview dialog for better visual appearance when using different screen resolutions.
    * Changed Domain Administrators so that they can view information about themselves.
    * Improved hover events for dialogs in the Management Console and Web Client to decrease CPU usage.
    * Changed the log file lines when listening on "<< Any IPAddress >>" so that the "" IP address is shown and all IPaddresses are shown in parentheses.
    * Added IPv6 addresses to the Serv-U Tray's About dialog Network Information page.
    * Changed the STOU (store unique) FTP command to accept and returnfull paths instead of using the current directory only. When a fullpath is not specified the current working directory is used. This is toremain consistent with Serv-U versions <= 6.4.
    * Changed the STOU (store unique) FTP command 150 response toinclude the full path name of the new file. This is to remainconsistent with Serv-U versions <= 6.4.
    * Changed FTP PORT connections back to the client to be moreforgiving. RFC 959 (section 3.2, paragraph 1; section 5.2, paragraph 2)requires the socket to bind to the command channel port -1 (L-1).However, in Windows, this may cause the socket error WSAEADDRINUSE(10048). When this specific error occurs on the data channel, Serv-Uattempts to connect without binding to the command channel port -1(L-1).
    * Added an FTP LIST/NLST command option to list a specific file'sfull path name as part of the listing when a specific file's listinginformation is requested.
    * Added a directory listing setting for server-side sorted listingsusing natural language comparison like Windows Explorer (i.e., FTP andSSH listings). This setting is available at the server, domain, user,and group levels. The default is enabled.
    * Added an error message when attempting to use the trayapplication's menu option to change the Windows service setting fails.
    * Signed Serv-U.exe and Serv-U-Tray.exe so that Windows recognizes Rhino Software, Inc. as the publisher.
    * Updated Microsoft DLLs to the latest release.
    * Updated OpenSSL libraries from 0.9.8k to 0.9.8m.
    * Updated zlib (compression) library from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 and built with Developer Studio 2008.
    * Updated the FTP Voyager JV code certificate, which now expires on March 10, 2013.
    * Added a timestamp to the signing of FTP Voyager JV's JAR filesallowing the Java Runtime to validate FTP Voyager JV's JAR files aftertheir certificate's expiration date.
    * Changed the FTP Voyager JV "Save Login" dialog controls so theycannot be changed to reflect a different configuration other than thecurrent login information.
    * Changed the layout of the FTP Voyager JV "Save Login" and "references" dialogs to a standard layout.
    * Updated the FTP Voyager JV JIDE user interface library to version 2.7.7.
    * Changed the User Collection Combo box to locale sort its contentsupon loading of the user pages in the Management Console.
Bug Fixes:
    * Corrected a bug where Serv-U could crash with a very large number of concurrent HTTP requests.
    * Corrected a bug where Serv-U could crash when HTTP command and/orreply screen logging was enabled and the log tab was selected.
    * Corrected a bug where it was possible to change the localadministrator configuration by changing server settings, causingundesired results for tray application administration.
    * Corrected a bug where requiring reverse DNS to login at theserver level, would cause tray configuration to become unavailable.
    * Corrected an Integration DLL bug where Serv-U would not recognize loaded group names.
    * Corrected an internal file security check where it was possiblefor domain read-only administrators to gain access system level files.Other internal checks would have prevented access to unauthorized data.This was a very minor security bug which had no affect on Serv-U'soverall security.
    * Corrected a security bug when importing users, restrictedadministrators could create user accounts outside their home directory.
    * Corrected a security bug when exporting users, restrictedadministrators could see a user's full path for home directory, virtualpaths, and directory access rules.
    * Corrected a security bug where a restricted domain administratorcould create a user or group that was not locked in the user's homedirectory.
    * Corrected a bug where CIDR IP access rules were not being interpreted correctly for deny rules.
    * Corrected a bug where Windows Users, granted administrativeprivileges, and didn't have write permissions to Serv-U's datadirectory, Serv-U was unable to save its configuration changes.
    * Corrected an SSL shutdown bug where an open SSL socket was beingclosed while the server and client were performing an SSL shutdownexchange (SSL_shutdown()). This problem appeared when listing verylarge directories with certain FTP clients using GnuTLS.
    * Corrected a bug where toggling FIPS 140-2 mode would not work. Restarting Serv-U would change to the desired FIPS mode.
    * Corrected a licensing bug where sessions that were not logged in were being counted against the license.
    * Corrected an FTP bug where Serv-U was not returning an errorresponse to LIST, MLSD, RETR, THMB, STOU, or STOR when a data channelhad not been specified with either the PORT or PASV command.
    * Corrected an FTP LIST/NLST switch processing bug when specifyinga directory format (-hOS, -h:IIS, -h:UNIX) any following path nameswould be ignored.
    * Corrected a logging bug where system administrators were being identified as domain administrators.
    * Corrected a database problem when using PostgreSQL and addingcolumns to tables. PostgreSQL's syntax for adding multiple columns to atable is different than other SQL servers requiring the "ADD COMMAND"text before each new column name.
    * Corrected a bug where the "FileTransferStats_BytesUploaded","FileTransferStats_BytesDownloaded", "FileTransferStats_FilesUploaded",and "FileTransferStats_FilesDownloaded" columns were not being writtento the database with the other runtime statistics for database users.File transfer statistics were being cleared when viewing database userstatistics after the last session for a user logged out. This bug wasintroduced in
    * Corrected a bug when deleting a database group, user membership in that group was not being deleted.
    * Corrected several minor database user and group bugs.
    * Corrected a bug where the user added and deleted events were not being fired for administrator users with these events.
    * Corrected a tray application service installation / removalproblem from the when UAC was enabled, Serv-U was unable to switch frombeing started as a service to stand-alone and stand-alone to a service.
    * Corrected two string formatting errors in the Spanish translation.
    * Corrected one string formatting error in the Swedish translation.
    * Corrected a Web Client bug where the browse button on the uploaddialog was partially hidden when using Firefox on Linux Fedora.
    * Corrected a Web Client bug where the background for the Imagescroll buttons in the Image Preview dialog were not transparent inInternet Explorer 6.
    * Corrected a Management Console and Web Client bug where dialogs would be placed too high when the page was scrolled down.
    * Corrected a Management Console bug where clicking repeatedly onthe "Add" button in the users' page then pressing the "Cancel" buttonin the user dialog would cause a script error in Internet Explorer.
    * Corrected a Management Console bug where combobox lists wouldpop-up at the wrong position on the page when using a Google Chrome orSafari browser.
    * Corrected a Management Console bug where the "Member of Groups"list, in the user properties dialog, was not showing all groups whenthe list reached a certain size.
    * Corrected a Management Console bug where combobox lists couldbecome too large and span past the viewable display area with noscrolling available.
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Login" dialog wouldfail to launch if an error occurred during an automatic login operation.
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Save Login" dialog "IsSecure" check box was not checked when connected securely.
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where a file or folder name wouldnot revert back to the original file name if a rename operation failed.
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the status bar was notshowing the correct file path for certain local directories (e.g.,Desktop, Computer).
    * Corrected an FTP Voyager JV bug where the "Select All" and"Invert Selection" operations were causing the focus to move away fromthe file list.
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