NO1. We Will Rock You---NBA曾用主题曲,版本非常多,NBA里用的是震撼原版,来自乐队Queen
We Will Rock You
歌词: Buddy you're a boy make a big noise Playin' in the street gonna bea big man some day You got mud on yo' face You big disgrace Kickin'your can all over the place Singin' 'We will we will rock you We willwe will rock you' Buddy you're a young man hard man Shoutin' in thestreet gonna take on the world some day You got blood on yo' face Youbig disgrace Wavin' your banner all over the place 'We will we willrock you' Singin' 'We will we will rock you' Buddy you're an old manpoor man Pleadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some day Yougot mud on your face You big disgrace Somebody better put you back intoyour place 'We will we will rock you' Singin' 'We will we will rockyou' Everybody 'We will we will rock you' 'We will we will rock you'
NO.2 I still believe---NBA一首广告歌曲,来自天后Mariah Carey
I still believe
歌词: you look in my eyes and i get emotional inside i know it's crazybut you still can touch my heart and after all this time you'd thinkthat i wouldn't feel the same but time melts into nothing and nothing'schanged i still believe someday you and me will find ourselves in loveagain i had a dream someday you and me will find ourselves in loveagain each day of my life i'm filled with all the joy i could find youknow that i am not the desperate type if there's one spark of hope leftin my grasp i'll hold it with both hands it's worth the risk of burningto have a second chance no, no, no, no, no, nooo i need you baby istill believe that we can be together ooooohoh no no nooo if we believethat true love never has to end then we must know that we will loveagain i still believe someday you and me will find ourselves in loveagain oh baby, yeah yeah i had a dream you and me will find ourselvesin love again(i still believe) oh baby i do(someday you and me) justgive me one more time and love again i had a dream(i miss your love)someday you and me will find ourselves in love again
NO.3 The Game Of Love---NBA2002-03赛季常规赛的主题曲,来自The Rolling Stones。 
滚石这群老家伙在2002年的精选集《四十年一舔》中收录了这首歌。 他们从当年的学生乐队变成了如今白发苍苍的老家伙,但有一点是没有变的,那就是他们的“恶棍”气质,他们在舞台上依旧如昨的恶狠硬朗的演奏, 以及主唱MickJagger那依旧不时翻出的大舌头,都在昭示着他们永不停息的精神, 而这种永不停息也正象征着NBA那些昔日的球星们————无论时光怎样变迁,他们的辉煌都将永记于世人之心。
The Game Of Love
歌词: Tell me just what you want me to be One kiss and boom you're theonly one for me So please tell me why don't you come around no moreCause right now I'm crying outside the door of your candy store It justtakes a little bit of this A little bit of that It started with a kissNow we're up to bat A little bit of laughs A little bit of pain I'mtelling you, my babe It's all in the game of love This, whatever youmake it to be Sunshine set on this cold lonely sea So please baby tryand use me for what I'm good for It ain't sayin' goodbye that'sknocking down the door of your candy store You roll me Control meConsole me Please hold me You guide me Divide me Into what... Make mefeel good, yeah So please tell me why don't you come around no moreCause right now I'm dying outside the door of your loving store It'sall in this game of love It's all in the game of love Yeah, in the gameof love Roll me Control me Please hold me (make me feel good, yeah)
NO.4 Dig In---NBA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲,来自LennyKravitzLenny的名气也许不大,但他的音乐才华却是无人能够忽视。专集《Lenny》为他带来了如Billboard,Grammy,全美音乐节的最佳摇滚歌手。对于一个黑人来讲,能在摇滚乐领域取得这样辉煌的成就已经是相当的不容易了。 专集中最惹火的一首歌便是《DigIn》了,而且还被选为了NBA2002-03赛季季后赛的主题曲, 可能是歌名代表了每一位球员在面对篮框时的心声:“I Just WannaDig In!”
歌词: remixed reprogrammed by rhys fulber mixed by mike plotnikoffproduced by gggarth mudvayne written by m.mcdonough, g.tribbett,r.martinie c.gray dig! dig! dig! dig! dig! dig! i would love to beatthe face of any mother fucker that's thinkin' they can change me ifyou're wantin' a piece of me i broke the mother fuckin' mold i'mdrowning in your wake shit rubbed in my face teething on concrete istruggle in violated space sell out motherfuckers in the biz that tryto fuck me
NO.5Elevation----NBA宣传歌曲,来自U2乐队 众多中锋爆发力十足的灌篮和封盖,以及摘抢篮板时的自信配以Bono霸气的演唱与U2狂放的编曲,充分体现了中锋身上那种如歌名一样的气质---“王者风范”, 而歌中的几句歌词也正如中锋们在每次起跳时想要说的话: Higher nowIn the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation~
歌词: High, higher than the sun You shoot me from a gun I need you toelevate me here At corner of your lips As the orbit of your hipsEclipse You elevate my soul I’ve got no self control Been living like amole now Going down, excavation I and I in the sky You make me feellike I can fly So high Elevation A star Lit up like a cigar Strung outlike a guitar Maybe you can educate my mind Explain all these controlsCan’t sing but I’ve got soul The goal is elevation A mole Digging in ahole Digging up my soul now Going down, excavation I and I in the skyYou make me feel like I can fly So high Elevation Love Lift me up outof these blues Won’t you tell me something true I believe in you A moleDigging in a hole Digging up my soul now Going down, excavation Highernow In the sky You make me feel like I can fly So high ElevationElevation Elevation Elevation Elevation
NO.6 Fighter---NBA2002-03赛季的季后赛主题曲,来自ChristinaAguilera 虽然Christina的音乐属于POP,但是这首Fighter却是ROCK味道很重的一首歌。歌名Fighter“斗士”恰如其分地诠释了NBA的篮球英雄们。 他们就是斗士,篮球场就是他们的战场,他们战斗的目的只有一个---为了他们的信念,为了胜利的信念而战!

歌词: When I, thought I knew you Thinking, that you were true I guess I,I couldn't trust Called your bluff, time is up 'Cause I've had enoughYou were, there by my side Always, down for the ride But your, joy ridejust came down in flames 'Cause your greed sold me out of shame, mmhmmAfter all of the stealing and cheating You probably think that I holdresentment for you But, uh uh, oh no, you're wrong 'Cause if it wasn'tfor all that you tried to do I wouldn't know just how capable I am topull through So I wanna say thank you 'Cause it makes me that muchstronger Makes me work a little bit harder It makes me that much wiserSo thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bit fasterMade my skin a little bit thicker Makes me that much smarter So thanksfor making me a fighter Oh, ohh Never, saw it coming All of, yourbackstabbing Just so, you could cash in On a good thing before Irealized your game I heard, you're going around Playing, the victim nowBut don't, even begin Feeling I'm the one to blame 'Cause you dug yourown grave After all of the fights and the lies Yes you wanted to harmme but that won't work anymore Uh, no more, oh no, it's over 'Cause ifit wasn't for all of your torture I wouldn't know how to be this waynow, and never back down So I wanna say thank you 'Cause it makes methat much stronger Makes me work a little bit harder Makes me that muchwiser So thanks for making me a fighter Made me learn a little bitfaster Made my skin a little bit thicker It makes me that much smarterSo thanks for making me a fighte
NO.7 Dilemma---NBA宣传曲,来自Nelly和Kelly Rowland 我自己非常喜欢这首歌,舒服的旋律,MV也很唯美~ 每次NBA比赛间歇播这首歌的时候,心情总是很惬意 完全没有歌名本身的味道:dilemma的本意是“进退两难”
歌词: love you, and I.. need you Nelly I.. love you, I do.. neeeeed you -but No matter what I do, all I think about is you Even when I'm with myboo, Know you know I'm crazy over you No matter what I do, all I thinkabout is you Even when I'm with my boo, y'know I'm crazy over you I metthis chick and she just moved right up the block from me And uhh, shegot the hots for me the finest thing my hood done seen But oh no, ohno, she gotta a man And a son, doh'ohhh, but that's okay Cause I, waitfor my cue and just listen, play my position Like a shortstop, pick upe'rything mami hittin And in no time.. (no time) I.. I plan to makethis wah-one mi-i-ne.. and that's for sure Cause I, I never been thetype to, break up a happy home But uh, there's something bout baby girlI just can't leave alone So tell me ma what's it gonna be? She said Youdon't know what you mean to me I see a lot and you look and I never saya word I know how niggaz start acting tripping out here about theygirls And there's no way-ayy-hey, Nelly gon' fight over Noday-hey-ame.. as you can see But I, I like your steez, your style, yourwhole demeanor The way you come through and holla and swoop me in his2-seater Now that's gangstah-ah-ahhh.. And I got special ways to thankyah-ah-ahhh.. don't you forget it But uh, it ain't that easy for you topack and leave him But uh, you and dirty got ties for different reasonsI respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said Sing it forme K Nelly I.. love you, I do.. (c'mon girl) And it's more thanyou'll.. ever know But.. it's fo'sho You can always count on my loveForeveeeeer more, yeahh-yeahh.. East coast, I know you shaking rightDown South, I know you bouncing right West coast, I know you walkingright, cause Midwest, I see you swinging right No matter what I do, allI think about is you East coast, you still shaking right West coast, Iknow you walking right Midwest, I see you swing it right East coast,you still shaking right Down South, I see you bouncing right
NO.8 I believe I can fly---向Jordan致敬的歌,来自R.Kelly 一次听到这首歌是因为乔丹主演的“空中大灌篮” 那时候就喜欢上这首歌,还去把R.Kelly的专辑也买回去听了。后来再次在电视上听到就是NBA一期乔丹的专题了。随着音乐缓缓流淌,回顾着乔老大的一个又一个传奇,真得让人热血沸腾,有种莫名的感动 I believe I can fly
I believe I can fly
歌词: used to think that I could not go on And life was nothing but anawful song But now I know the meaning of true love I'm leaning on theeverlasting arms If I can see it, then I can do it If I just believeit, there's nothing to it I believe I can fly I believe I can touch thesky I think about it every night and day Spread my wings and fly away Ibelieve I can soar I see me running through that open door I believe Ican fly I believe I can fly I believe I can fly See I was on the vergeof breaking down Sometimes silence, it can seem so loud There aremiracles in life I must achieve But first I know it starts inside of me
NO9 Bon Jovi的,再现紫金王朝,重温科鲨组合。
NO.10 Yeah----NBA宣传歌曲,来自Usher 为太阳的球迷,中场播放~~ 全民情敌中的插曲,R&B的曲风,很好听  |