Our love is unconditional
We knew it from the start
I see it in your eyes
You can feel it from my heart
From here on after
Let's stay the way we are right now
And share all the love and laughter
That a lifetime will allow
I cross my heart And promise to
Give all I've got to give
To make all your dreams come true
In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine
You will always be the miracle
That makes my life complete
And as long as there's a breath in me
I'll make yours just as sweet
As we look into the future
So let's make each tomorrow
Be the best that it can be
if along the way we find a day
It starts to storm
You've got the promise of my love
To keep you warm
In all the world
You'll never find
A love as true as mine
A love as true as mine
George Strait 个人资料
George strait于52年5月18日出生于德克萨斯州的普迪特(Poteet),是80年代最有影响的乡村歌手之一。
George strait从小在父亲的牧场里长大,有时帮父亲做些传篱笆、放牲口等工作。十几岁时,他就开始玩音乐。1年,George strait应征入伍,3年驻扎在夏威夷。基地司令员想建立一支军队乡村乐队,这件事吸引了George strait,他买了一把便宜的吉他,开始模仿汉克·威廉姆斯的唱片,并给乐队起了个名字叫"浪漫乡村乐队"(Rambling Country),常在营地外进行演出。
5年他回到家乡,为了满足父亲的期望,进了"西南德馑萨斯州综合大?quot;(Sounthwest Tesxas university),在攻读农学学位的同时,他组织了一支乐队。9年,他在MCA唱片公司录制了他的第一张专辑。此后,George strait长期占据排榜上的高位,将近30次荣登榜首。到了90年代,许多歌手(包括加思·布鲁克斯)都把他当作榜样。George strait不愿露面,比其他著名歌手接受采访要少得多,但在92年,他参加了电影《纯乡村》(Pure Country)的演出,这部电影中的四首歌曲上榜,使George strait站到了乡村乐坛的前列。
George strait成了乡村音乐中的焦点人物。他的事业仍在不断地发展,但他现在每年只花半年的时间去录制唱片和巡回演出,而其余的时间他则隐居在德馑萨斯的家乡,骑马、爬山、和家人共度美好时光。