
I’ve must have been blind
Not to see you look away from me
Whenever you say "You love me still"
I must have been crazy
Not to see you slip away from me
Day after day there’s a space to fill
and I can’t find the words,to make you fall in love with me agian
and I can’t find the strength to let you go oh oh
And when it’s all said and done,you’ll be the only one
Even if there’s nothing left for us to say
as sure as the sun will rise I can never say goodbye
Even if we go are separate ways
In my heart you’ll always stay
ooh ooh
Been spending my time
to try to remind you of our love
But you’re pulling away with every touch
With all we’ve been though
I’d never thought i’d be losing you
and i would give everything to keep you here
But I can’t (but I can’t) find the words to make you fall in love with me again
and I can’t find the strength to let you go oh oh
And when it’s all said and done,you’ll be the only one
Even if there’s nothing left for us to say (nothing left to say)
as sure as the sun will rise I can never say goodbye
Even if we go are separate ways (ooh)
In my heart you’ll always stay
I,I,I still believe our love meant to be oh
And it will be here forever come one day (come,one,day) ooh ohoh
can you see? I love you faithfully oh yeh
And one day im telling you I find a way to get back to me ooh
And when it’s all said and done,you’ll be the only one (said and done)
Oooh,nothing left to say
as sure as the sun will rise I can never say goodbye
Even if we go separate ways
In my heart you’ll always stay
Oohh umm

"stay" 是美国新进女歌手 Tonya mitchell 翻唱 自80年民谣歌手chris cross的歌曲,贯穿全曲的吉他,优美的编曲和和声,使得这首歌充满了浓的情谊和忧伤。熟悉的旋律,似曾相似的歌词,柔美的旋律,舒缓的节奏,Tonya mitchell用她18岁女孩早熟的嗓音重新演绎了一段令人感动的爱情故事……
Stay -Tonya mitchell
Tonya mitchell,生于1982年8月21日。这个来自田纳西州休伦(Huron, Tennessee)的女孩打她会说话时起就开始唱歌了。
当她父母无意中发现她跟着Debbie Gibson和Tiffany的歌一起唱的时候,觉得这个小女孩是块唱歌的料。然后父母开始送Tonya去参加一些才艺表演。
当她七岁的时候,Tonya已经在Barbara Mandrell的工作室里录制歌了。
她一开始进行巡回演出的时候她唱的是乡村歌曲,不过她还是梦想有朝一日成为一名流行歌星。所以她那个时候还在听着Toni Braxton和Mariah Carey的歌。
她的父亲也是做娱乐行业的——一个艺名为Cowboy Louie的当地魔术师,母亲是位家庭主妇。
在她15岁的时候,机遇终于来了。在一次St. Jude's医院的义演上,她引起了人们的关注。Tonya那次用一种冷淡的声音唱着,但是唱完之后一个人走上台来,对她说他喜欢她的嗓音。这个人不是一个普通的崇拜者,而是Justin Timberlake的爷爷。他告诉Tonya他是谁,然后说也许他可以帮她。
当然这还是在Nsync红得令所有女孩为倾倒之前,此时Tonya甚至不知道Nsync是些什么人。这次偶遇之后,Tonya见到了Lynn Harless,也就是Justin Timberlake的母亲、Just In Time Management的老总。Lynn Harless成了Tonya的经理。
然后Tonya签约到了环球(Universal Records)的旗下,终于有机会录制她的第一张专辑。录音室的人员来找她之后,第一张专辑《I Represent》在2001年4月发行了。
第一首单曲《Broken Promises》早在2001年1月份就在电台播出为新专辑宣传造势。为NSYNC所做的一些嘉宾表演可以说是宣传活动中最好的演出了,这对一个不知名的艺人来说,仅仅是一个开端而已。 |