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[单曲分享] A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)

发表于 2009-3-21 11:20:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

出生于宾州小镇Milford,Vanessa Carlton(瓦妮莎卡尔顿)的成长过程中总是有音乐相伴,8岁就完成生平的第一部作曲作品,17岁开始在纽约下曼哈顿的酒吧演出。她精湛的钢琴演奏技巧、诚恳真挚的歌声与创作,震慑了音乐大厂Interscope的高层,于是迅速获得一纸合约。

首航专辑《Be Not Nobody》中,VanessaCarlton以她流行灵魂唱腔诠释从古典到经典摇滚的多元曲风,时而柔情似水、时而热情如火、时而朴实真诚。由洋溢华尔滋风情的″OrdinaryDay″揭开序曲,Vanessa Carlton带领乐迷进行一趟游历异想境地的奇幻旅程;清新流畅的首发单曲″A ThousandMiles″一鸣惊人抢滩Billboard流行单曲榜No.5…。

唤醒人类深层欲望、引起强烈情绪共鸣的“Be NotNobody”更备受专业乐评肯定,滚石杂志将她评选为2002年最值得期待的十位艺人之一、称她为“流行版的FionaApple”、赞赏她纯熟严谨的钢琴琴艺,并认为其音乐作品蕴含媲美Tori Amos的古典元素[mp3]

faces passed
and i'm home bound
staring blankly ahead
just making my way
making my way
through the crowd
and i need you
and i miss you
and now i wonder....
if i could fall
into the sky
do you think time
would pass me by
'cause you know i'd walk
a thousand miles
if i could
just see you
it's always times like these
when i think of you
and i wonder
if you ever
think of me
'cause everything's so wrong
and i don't belong
living in your
precious memories
'cause i need you
and i miss you
and now i wonder....
if i could fall
into the sky
do you think time
would pass me by
'cause you know i'd walk
a thousand miles
if i could
just see you
and i, i
don't want to let you know
i, i
drown in your memory
i, i
don't want to let this go
i, i
making my way downtown
walking fast
faces passed
and i'm home bound
staring blankly ahead
just making my way
making my way
through the crowd
and i still need you
and i still miss you
and now i wonder....
if i could fall
into the sky
do you think time
would pass us by
'cause you know i'd walk
a thousand miles
if i could
just see you...
if i could fall
into the sky
do you think time
would pass me by
'cause you know i'd walk
a thousand miles
if i could
just see you
if i could
just hold you

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